Classes du framework

_root Vertebral column of your website

_cache Class to manage cache | Tutoriel/faq

_request Class used by the framework to get parametrs GET/POST _root::getRequest()

_layout Class to manage layout | Tutoriel/faq

_view Class to manage view | Tutoriel/faq

_file Class of file management | Tutoriel/faq

_dir Class of directory management | Tutoriel/faq


plugin_auth Authentication plugin used by _root::getAuth(), and configure in file conf/site.ini.php | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_check Plugin used by the plugin_validation to check data | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_chart Plugin used to generate charts

plugin_date Plugin to manage date, to calculate and format

plugin_datetime Idem about plugin_date with time management

plugin_debug Plugin to communicate with debug bar | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_gestionuser Plugin of permission management, used by _root::getACL(), and configured in conf/site.ini.php | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_html Plugin to manage/generate HTML

plugin_form Plugin to manage/generate form HTML

plugin_i18n Plugin to manage multi-language, use files data/i18n/fr.php or en.php | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_jquery Plugin to generate functon jQuery | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_log Plugin to manage log used by _root::getLog(), and configured in file conf/site.ini.php | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_mail Plugin to send email

plugin_rss Plugin to manage RSS

plugin_upload Plugin to manage upload with a form | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_valid Plugin to check data | Tutoriel/faq

plugin_xsrf Plugin to manage token to protect xsrf/csrf faults