The ORM: the abstract model layer
The framework ORM is inspired on everything i could see: one file by table grouped in the model directoryA file example:
It is base on this points:
- performance
- transparency
- ergonomy
class model_article extends abstract_model{
protected $sClassRow='row_article';
protected $sTable='article';
protected $sConfig='xml';
protected $tId=array('id');
public static function getInstance(){
return self::_getInstance(__CLASS__);
public function findById($id){
return $this->findOne('SELECT * FROM '.$this->sTable.' WHERE id=?',$id );
public function findAll(){
return $this->findMany('SELECT * FROM '.$this->sTable.' ORDER BY id ASC');
class row_article extends abstract_row{
protected $sClassModel='model_article';
public function findAuteur(){
return model_auteur::getInstance()->findById($this->auteur_id);
//provide the way to check data coherence
private function getCheck(){
$oPluginValid=new plugin_valid($this->getTab());
/* renseigner vos check ici
$oPluginValid->isEqual('Field','valueB','Field should be equal to valueB');
$oPluginValid->isNotEqual('Field','valueB','Field should not be equal to valueB');
$oPluginValid->isUpperThan('Field','valueB','Field should upper than valueB');
$oPluginValid->isUpperOrEqualThan('Field','valueB','Field should upper or equal than valueB');
$oPluginValid->isLowerThan('Field','valueB','Field should lower than valueB');
$oPluginValid->isLowerOrEqualThan('Field','valueB','Field should lower or equal than valueB');
$oPluginValid->isEmpty('Field','Field should empty');
$oPluginValid->isNotEmpty('Field','Field should not be empty');
$oPluginValid->isEmailValid('Field','Field is not a valid mail');
$oPluginValid->matchExpression('Field','/[0-9]/','Field doesn t match expression');
$oPluginValid->notMatchExpression('Field','/[a-zA-Z]/','Field shoudn\'t match expression');
return $oPluginValid;
public function isValid(){
return $this->getCheck()->isValid();
public function getListError(){
return $this->getCheck()->getListError();
public function save(){
if(!$this->isValid()){ //verifie la coherence avant d'enregistrer
return false;
return true;
protected $sClassRow
The name of the class row of model, request return object of this classprotected $sTable
Real name of the table in databaseprotected $sConfig
Identifiant of the use connection (configured in conf/connexion.ini.php)protected $tId
Array containing primary key(s)The processing
For example, we have an article table and an auteur table linked by article.auteur_id = auteur.idAfter the generation of the abstract model layer
We have two files in model directory: model_article.php and model_auteur.php
Each file has two class, one beginning with "row_" (active record) and an other beginning by "model_" (factory).
When you do a "select * from tableArticle" :
You will use the class "model_article", and it will return an array of "row_article" object.
For example, you want to get the author from an article to display his name
Add in class model_article.php
public function findAuthor(){
return model_auteur::getInstance()->findOne($this->auteur_id);
//we return the row author returned by FK auteur_id
foreach($tArticle as $oArticle){
echo $oArticle->findAuthor()->name;
Here you can read list of implemented method with the ORM
public function findOne($requete,$tParam)
return one object when executing the request $requete with parameters $tParamexample :
findOne('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=?',4);
findOne('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=?',array(4) );
findOne('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=:id',array('id'=>4) );
public function findOneSimple($requete,$tParam)
return one "simple" object when executing the request $requete with parameters $tParamexample :
findOneSimple('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=?',4);
findOneSimple('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=?',array(4) );
findOneSimple('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=:id',array('id'=>4) );
note: use this method to show quickly
public function findMany($requete,$tParam)
return an array of object when executing the request $requete with parameters $tParamexample :
findMany('SELECT * FROM article WHERE cat_id=?',2);
findMany('SELECT * FROM article WHERE cat_id=?',array(2) );
findMany('SELECT * FROM article WHERE cat_id=:cat_id',array('cat_id'=>2) );
public function findManySimple($requete,$tParam)
return an array of object when executing the request $requete with parameters $tParamexample :
findManySimple('SELECT * FROM article WHERE cat_id=?',2);
findManySimple('SELECT * FROM article WHERE cat_id=?',array(2) );
findManySimple('SELECT * FROM article WHERE cat_id=:cat_id',array('cat_id'=>2) );
note: use this method to show quickly
public function execute($requete,$tParam)
execute the query $requete with parameters $tParamexample :
execute('DELETE FROM article WHERE id=?',2);
execute('DELETE FROM article WHERE id=?',array(2) );
execute('DELETE FROM article WHERE id=:id',array('id'=>2) );
Write your own query
If you have dynamic variables, for example the query to select articles from an authorSelection of an article by author
public function findByAuteur($auteur_id){
return $this->findOne('SELECT * FROM auteur where auteur_id=?',(int)$auteur_id);
In cas of many parameters:
public function findByAuteur($auteur_id){
$state=1;//etat actif
return $this->findOne('SELECT * FROM auteur where auteur_id=? AND state=?',(int)$auteur_id,(int)$state);
return $this->findOne('SELECT * FROM auteur where auteur_id=? AND state=?',array( (int)$auteur_id,(int)$state ));
//or (only with the pdo driver)
return $this->findOne('SELECT * FROM auteur where auteur_id=:auteur AND state=:state',array( 'auteur'=>$auteur_id,'state'=>$state ));
Update a row in database
You want to update title of the article with id 2In the code of your module:
//we get article object to update
//we update one of its fields
$oArticleToModify->titre='My new title';
//we save
Add a row in database
You want add an articleIn the code of your module:
//we create new article
$oNewArticle= new row_Article;
//we fill the fields
$oNewArticle->titre='My new title';
//we save
Delete a row in database
You want to delete the article with id 2In your module code:
//we get the article objet to delete
//we delete it